Impact analyses

In September 2019, Jyske Bank – as one of the 130 founding signatories – signed the UN Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB), and we use these principles as the overall framework for our work on sustainability. As part of the implementation of PRB we perform impact analyses. The analyses identify the areas which are impacted the most by Jyske Bank through loans and investments - positively as well as negatively. Subsequently, the analyses quantify the impact on the basis of various indicators.

The analyses and quantification of the areas provide a snap shot of the way in which Jyske Bank impacts society as expressed in the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Also, they make it possible for us to target our future efforts. We use the results of the impact analyses, among other things, for our work on reducing the negative and promoting the positive impact on society.

We will on an ongoing basis update the estimated CO2 emission on the basis of our loans and investments, and other areas on which Jyske Bank has a significant impact will be subject to thorough analysis.

Impact analysis reports


Impact analysis – Methodology, June 2021

