Jyske Bank Interim Financial Report Q1-Q3 2023
- Jyske Bank Interim Financial Report Q1-Q3 2023 [PDF]
- Corporate Announcement [PDF]
- Jyske Bank Presentation 2023 Q3 [PDF]
- Fact Book 2023 Q3 [XLSX]
- Earnings per share rose by 94% to DKK 62.0 (Q1-Q3 2022: DKK 31.9)
- For 2023, it is now anticipated that earnings per share will be at the upper end of the range of DKK 70-80
- Pre-tax profit of DKK 5,501m is a doubling relative to Q1-Q3 2022 (DKK 2,742m)
- Net interest income rose by 75% to DKK 7,155m (Q1-Q3 2022: DKK 4,083m)
- Core income was up by 70% to DKK 10,244m (Q1-Q3 2022: DKK 6,025m)
- Core expenses rose by 27% to DKK 4,498m (Q1-Q3 2022: DKK 3,550m)
- Loan impairment charges amounted to an expense of DKK 96m (Q1-Q3 2022: income of DKK 447m)
- The capital ratio is 20.9 of this a common equity tier 1 capital ratio at 16.7 compared with 19.5 and 15.2 at end-2022
- The 30 planned branch mergers attributed to the acquisition of Handelsbanken Denmark have been implemented
- The acquisition of Handelsbanken Denmark is expected to contribute with an additional DKK 0.3bn to a total of DKK
1.3bn p.a. to the pre-tax profit with full effect as from 2025 - The acquisition of PFA Bank A/S closed on 1 October 2023
- For adoption at an extraordinary general meeting on 1 December 2023, the Supervisory Board proposes distribution of an extraordinary dividend at DKK 500m, equivalent to DKK 7.78 per share
- Due to the higher earnings capacity, the Supervisory Board will aim for a mix of dividends and share buybacks as
capital distribution going forward - The activities from Kgs. Lyngby, Havneholmen and Vesterbrogade will be gathered at Kalvebod Brygge in Copenhagen as from mid-2025
- Lars Stensgaard Mørch will take over as CEO and Managing Director from Anders Dam on 1 November 2023.